Greater West Shore Teener Baseball League




CAMP HILL:          To include all territory within the Borough of Camp Hill

CARLISLE:              To include all territory of the Carlisle Area School District, which is comprised of the Boroughs of Carlisle and Mt. Holly and the Townships of North and South Dickinson. Grandfathered with North Middleton Township

CEDAR CLIFF:        To include area within the Cedar Cliff High School portion of the West Shore School District where students attend Allen Middle School

CUMBERLAND VALLEY:  To include all territory in the Townships of Silver Spring, Monroe & Middlesex

DILLSBURG:           To include all territory in York County consisting of the Northern York County School District which is comprised of the Boroughs of Dillsburg, Franklinton and Wellsville and the Townships of Carroll, Franklin, Monaghan and Warrington

EAST PENN:          To include all territory of the Borough of Enola, West Fairview and East Pennsboro Township

HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP:     To include all territory within the boundaries of Hampden Township

MECHANICSBURG:    To include all territory in the Boroughs of Mechanicsburg, Shiremanstown (to include the annex) and Upper Allen Township that together comprises the area from which students attend the Mechanicsburg Area School District   

NEW CUMBERLAND:  To include area within the Cedar Cliff High School portion of the West Shore School District where students attend New Cumberland Middle School

NORTH MIDDLETON:  To include all the territory of North Middleton Township. Grandfathered with Carlisle

RED LAND:             To include all territory in the West Shore School District in York County except for any students that attend Cedar Cliff

SOUTH MIDDLETON:   To include all territory of the South Middleton School District which is comprised of the village of Boiling Springs and the Township of South Middleton

SUSQUENITA:        To include all territory in the Susquenita School District

WEST PERRY:         To include all territory in the West Perry School District

WORMLEYSBURG:  To include all territory within the Borough of Wormleysburg


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